Line 10: We complete the try and except block which helps to check for any ValueError.Specific pound to kilogram Conversion Results. Line 9: We return the output of the second condition in line 7. Filed under: Main menu weight or mass menu Pounds conversion.Line 8: Here we re-define the variable conversion to help compute and proceed with the condition given in line 10.Line 7: Using an else statement, we state a second condition that if the user gave another input other than that in line 4, the return value should continue in line 8. Convert kg/m3 to lb/ft3 (Quick Online Converter) Easy Formula.Line 6: We return the output of the first condition given in line 4.Line 5: Here we define a variable conversion to help compute the conversion and proceed with the condition given in line 4.Line 4: Using an if statement, we state a condition that if the user gave a value equal to kg, and also in any letter case not minding, the return value should continue in line 4.Line 3: We define another variable unit where we ask the user to input the unit of the weight (whether kg or lb) they inputted in line 2.Line 2: We define a variable weight where the user gives an input of their weight.Line 1: We create a try and except block to handle any ValueError. 2 Kilos 4.4092 Pounds: 20 Kilos 44.0925 Pounds: 5000 Kilos 11023.11 Pounds: 3 Kilos 6.6139 Pounds: 30 Kilos 66.1387 Pounds: 10000 Kilos 22046.23 Pounds: 4 Kilos 8.8185 Pounds: 40 Kilos 88.1849 Pounds: 25000 Kilos 55115.57 Pounds: 5 Kilos 11.0231 Pounds: 50 Kilos 110.23 Pounds: 50000 Kilos 110231.13 Pounds: 6 Kilos 13. To convert kilos to pounds we have to multiply kilos by TWO (75 x 2 150) Second step conversion kilos to pounds.Divide the answer of step one by TEN (150 / 10 15) Third step conversion kilos to pounds.Weight = int(input('What is your weight? '))